Understanding the world

Chinese New Year activity, craft and game pack for EYFS
A great pack of fun activities to help your children learn about Chinese New Year.
Includes mini reading books for group reading to learn more about the celebrations, games and interactivie activities.
Fun crafts to practice cutting skills and pencil control.
Lots of actitives that can be used to create a classoom display to show off their work.

The Little Scarecrow Boy book companion - Autumn / Fall
This book companion is based on the book ‘The Little Scarecrow Boy’ by Margaret Wise Brown. This is a fun book for Autumn/Fall about a scarecrow boy and growing up.
The packet contains:
Beginning, middle and end organizer
Writing activity- I would scare the crows by…
Text-to-self activity- The Little Scarecrow Boy needed to grow up before he could… I need to grow up before I can…
Drawing and writing activity- my #6 face
Emergent reader book- My Scarecrow- read and color the book
Comparing characters- compare Old Man Scarecrow and The Little Scarecrow Boy plus color pictures of the characters to add words and phrases around
Graphic organizers
Scarecrows Can, Have, Are grid
Draw the six faces that the Little Scarecrow Boy made to scare the crows
Feelings writing activity- how he felt at the begging of the story and why and how he felt at the end and why he felt that way
My Scarecrow writing activity- draw your own scarecrow and describe it
If I were a Scarecrow activity sheet- what would you name be, what would you look like, how would you scare the crows, where would you live and what would by your favorite thing to do

Apple Trouble book companion- Autumn / Fall
This book companion is based on the book ‘Apple Trouble’ which is a lovely story for Autumn/Fall. It contains a variety of activities and colorful sequencing cards.
The packet contains:
A set of colorful sequencing cards- also provided in blackline
Story comprehension cards with a choice of two picture answers or three picture answers for children of differing abilities
My favorite part of the story- draw and write worksheet
Graphic organizers- three versions
Text-to-self activity- What trouble did Hedgehog have and what trouble have they had themselves
Writing activity- what would you so Hedgehog didn’t get things caught on her spikes again?
Sequencing worksheets- order the pictures from 1st to 10th to retell the story or cut and paste the pictures of the things that got stuck on Hedgehogs back in the correct order
Beginning, Middle and End organizer
Hedgehog grid- Hedgehogs Can, Have, Are
Writing activity- write three sentences about Hedgehog
What happens next- two worksheets to draw and write what happens next in the story
List writing- make a list of everything that got stuck on Hedgehog’s spikes
Problem and Solution- draw and write about Hedgehog’s problem, a solution that didn’t work and the solution that did work
Story retelling set craftivity- A large hedgehog and all of the items that got stuck on her spikes to cut and paste or use when listening to the story- in color and blackline

Tacky the Penguin book companion
Tacky the Penguin is a lovely fun story about accepting peoples differences.
This book companion includes:
Graphic organizers
My favorite part of the story writing and drawing activity
I would like to be friends with Tacky because… writing activity
Venn diagrams- compare Tacky and his companions and also Tacky and real penguins
‘A new companion for Tacky’ writing activity
Can, Have, Are grids for Tacky and Penguins
Text-to-self connections- Things the Penguins are afraid of and things I am afraid of- two worksheets
True or False worksheets about the story of Tacky the Penguin
Tacky’s Tricks- draw and write
Writing activity to write about why it is good to be different
Writing activity- All About Tacky
Beginning, middle and end of the story- a worksheet to draw or write about the different parts
Cause and Effect- cards to match plus three differentiated worksheets
Character traits
Writing activity- ‘I am Unique’
Cut and paste the beginning and ends of the sentences

The Gingerbread Man Loose at Christmas book companion
Celebrate the Christmas holidays with this activity pack which accompanies the book ‘The Gingerbread Man Loose at Christmas’ by Laura Murray.
The pack includes:
Sequencing picture cards- these are in full color and also in blackline
Sequencing worksheet cut and paste
Story sequencing worksheet- beginning, middle and end
Graphic organizers
Character traits- what do the children say about their teacher
My favorite part of the story writing and drawing activity
Doing something special writing activity- three different sheets to choose from
Asking question- Think of Who, What, When, Where and Why questions to ask the Gingerbread Man
Retell the story writing worksheet, writing and drawing worksheet and drawing worksheet allowing you to differentiate
Alphabetical order- order the professions in alphabetical order
Text-to-self connections- Who did the Gingerbread Man thank and who would you like to thank- two different worksheets
Three what happens next drawing and writing worksheets
Who did the Gingerbread Man meet in the town- draw and write some of the people he met
True or False sentences about the story- differentiated versions
Beginning, middle and end of the story- a worksheet to draw or write about the different parts

The Lonely Scarecrow- book companion
This book companion is based on the book ‘The Lonely Scarecrow’ by Tim Preston and contains a variety of activities and colorful sequencing cards.
The packet contains:
A set of colorful sequencing cards
Cause and effect worksheets- three versions
The lonely scarecrows character traits
My favorite part of the story- draw and write worksheet
Graphic organizers- three versions
Label the scarecrow- two versions to cut and paste or write the labels
Writing activity- write a letter to the animals from the scarecrow- three versions
Retell the story writing worksheet
My scarecrow worksheets- three different versions for differentiation
The Lonely Scarecrow grid- The Lonely Scarecrow has, lives, feels
Writing activity- write three sentences about the lonely scarecrow
Feelings worksheets- draw the faces on the scarecrow to show how he feels at the beginning and the end of the story or write how he feels at the beginning, middle and end of the story
True or False- read the statements about the story and decide which are true or false plus an extra worksheet to write some of your own true and false statements
A bonus scarecrow game

Chinese New Year bumper pack 2023- Year of the Rabbit
A bumper pack of resources to learn about and celebrate Chinese New Year.
Includes- literacy and maths activities, crafts, information cards and Powerpoint, display materials, games, writing activities plus more!

Chinese New Year games, crafts and activities resource pack
Chinese New Year
Games, activities and crafts
The Year of the Rabbit -2023
A set of new activities for celebrating Chinese New Year
The pack includes:
Mini information book- A5 sized colouring and information books for the children to learn about Chinese New Year
Classroom activity- Hide the word cards around the classroom or outside are and the children can find the matching pictures and write the word on their sheet- plus blank cards so the children can search for HFW words or letters/ numbers
Comparisons sheet- write or draw about their own new year celebrations and the celebrations for Chinese New Year
First reader book- An easy to read book for the children to colour and make
Make the sentences- Three sheets to cut and reassamble the sentences about Chinese New Year
Make fans- Various templates to make a fan and write about Chinese New Year
Bingo- A picture bingo game to make and play
Colouring- Colouring pictures
Colouring posters- Chinese New Year posters to colour
Activity worksheets- various worksheets to label the pictures, write about celebrations, write facts about Chinese New Year and cut and stick the beginning and end of sentences
Make a hat- 2 different 3D hats to make and colour
Board game- Collect the coins for your lucky money envelope as you move around the board
Make a lantern- practice cutting skills with this cut and stick Chinese lantern
Matching pairs- A colourful matching pairs game to make and play
Count and match- Count the pictures up to 10 and match to the numbered piece of jigsaw
Number activity sheets- Dot to dots and colour by number sheets
Map sheet- Find and colour China on a map of the world and colour the flag of China
Acrostic poems- 2 acrostic poems of lantern templates- CHINA and NEW YEAR

All about Pumpkins- Pumpkin Investigation Unit PLUS Life Cycle
Investigate pumpkins with a variety of activities. Great for the Autumn/Fall season and Halloween.
The activities include:
Labelling a pumpkin activity sheets for the inside and outside of the pumpkin- two differentiated worksheets
A life cycle emergent reader book
Life cycle photos for bulletin boards and discussion- these are supplied with labels and without
Life cycle worksheets- four differentiated sheets for writing and cut and paste
A set of 10 discussion photos with questioning ideas for each photo
My facts about pumpkins writing sheet
Parts of a pumpkin poster set
Pumpkin adjectives worksheets
Instructional writing- how to carve a pumpkin
Pumpkin fact cards for bulletin boards
Pumpkin investigation worksheets- three versions
KWL Pumpkin grid
Life cycle of a pumpkin posters with pictures and descriptions of the stages
Three pumpkin templates which can be used for writing, cutting, art activities etc
A set of 13 pumpkin puzzles for children to match the drawing, photo, label and description of the parts of a pumpkin
Pumpkins can, have, are grid
Two pumpkin word challenges
Pumpkin senses investigation worksheets- three versions
Pumpkin true or false worksheets

Chinese New Year bumper pack + Powerpoint
A bumper resource full of display materials, games, worksheets and information all about Chinese New Year plus activities for the Year of the Rabbit 2023

New Term bumper pack- Multicultural, classroom set
A great set of resources for displaying in your new classroom.

Outdoor learning bundle- Outdoor Play EYFS, Literacy, Numeracy
Three great packs for enhancing your outdoor learning environment in the Early Years.

Growing beanstalk story resources - Jack and the Beanstalk, Jasper's Beanstalk, Jim and the Beanstalk
Three great story resource packs packed full with display materials, games, worksheets plus lots more

Growing plants bundle plus Garden Centre role play
A bumper topic pack for Growing, a fun role play pack to create your own Garden Centre and two complete story activity packs.

Seaside story pack- Under the sea
Six great story packs to fit in with your Seaside topic:
Commotion in the Ocean
Fidgety Fish
Sharing a Shell
The Fish who could Wish
The Rainbow Fish

Pirates bumper pack- plus pirate ship role play
A bumper topic pack for pirates, a fun story resource pack for the book ‘Pirates Love Underpants’ and a complete role play set to set up a pirate ship.

Minibeasts topic pack and story resources- Very Hungry Caterpillar
A bumper pack of minibeasts resources plus three book activity packs.

Seaside bumper pack- role play, story resources and topic pack
This bundle contains the bumper seaside topic pack, two seaside themed story packs and a fun role play pack for creating a seaside role play area.

Life cycle bundle- Frog, Chicken, Duck, Butterfly
Four great packs for teaching about life cycles of animals. Each pack includes display materials, games, worksheets, crafts plus much more.